Cosmetic Injectibles

Cosmetic Injectables
in Bryant, AR

If you want to learn more about cosmetic injections, contact Practical Wellness Clinic of Bryant, AR, by calling 501-653-7665.

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Botox Infographic — Bryant, AR — Practical Wellness Clinic

Consider Botox Injects to Remove Skin Lines

We’ve all heard of the famous injection medication that can reverse the signs of aging. But did you know that only BOTOX® Cosmetic is FDA-approved to achieve temporary improvement in moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines?? That’s right! FDA approved! Did you also know you can get BOTOX injections quickly on your lunch break and see results within 24 hours? We offer treatments with Botox, Jeuveau, and Dysport.

For professional wellness services, contact us today by calling 501-653-7665.

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